
Zobrazují se příspěvky z červenec, 2020

Tarlov cyst puncture

This is a big topic for me, because it's something that I personally went through. I will try to make it as short as possible and say only the important things, but I'm afraid that it will still be too long. It's hard to write about it and I won't describe some parts in detail, but I want to share this so other patients will think more about what they choose. Don't tell me, please, that I shouldn't have gone into it or that I was dumb... I know it... And it won't help me now. I hope that this article will help someone else. I know that if I had read something like that at that time (before I underwent it) - and I mean specifically some story from Czech republic with Czech doctors, it would help me a lot. I underwent Tarlov cyst puncture in December 2018. So it's some time ago. I won't name the hospital, I'll just say that they supposedly have the best neurosurgeons in our country, so I had a good feeling that I'm ''in the right han...

Punkce Tarlovovy cysty

Tohle je pro mě velké téma, protože je to něco, co jsem si sama zažila. Budu se snažit to co nejvíc zkrátit a říct jen to podstatné, ale obávám se, že i tak to bude dlouhé. Píše se mi o tom špatně a některé pasáže nebudu popisovat do úplného detailu, ale chci tohle sdílet, aby si ostatní pacienti víc rozmýšleli, do čeho jdou. Neříkejte mi, prosím, že jsem do toho neměla chodit nebo že jsem byla hloupá... já to vím... A teď už mi to nepomůže. Doufám, že tenhle článek pomůže někomu jinému. Vím, že kdybych si něco takového v té době, než jsem to podstoupila, přečetla - a teď myslím konkrétně příběh z Česka s českými lékaři, pomohlo by mi to. Punkci Tarlovovy cysty jsem podstoupila v prosinci 2018. Takže už je to nějakou dobu zpátky. Nebudu asi jmenovat konkrétní nemocnici, řeknu jen to, že je to údajně nejlepší neurochirurgie v Česku, takže jsem měla dobrý pocit z toho, že jsem v nejlepších rukou. Všechno to začalo tak, že jsme zjistili, že mám cystu. V několika nemocnicích mi tvrdili,...

Why it's good to know your diagnosis / Proč je dobré vědět svou diagnozu

People - and even some doctors! - are sometimes saying that you don't need to know your diagnosis if it's probably something we can't cure (they're saying it especially when it comes to something genetic). I experienced it too. Sometimes I'm a bit in shock when I see that some patients are trying to get diagnosed and someone say to their issues something like this... and they're suddenly like ''Ok, that makes sense, it doesn't matter." I think it does. When I was finally diagnosed with Tarlov cyst, I was in shock and I didn't want to believe it. BUT at the same time it's a bit relieving to know. And I'm glad that I know. So here are some reasons that came to my mind.  1) You'll know the heredity of it. How big is the possibility of passing it on your kids. Or if you already have kids and they have problems too - maybe your diagnosis can help them get diagnosed too. 2) It's not curable, but there are maybe some ways how...